Advanced Squares
presents Friday A-2 dances
for your dancing pleasure

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Doors open 7:15 PM
Pre-rounds 7:30 – 7:45
A2 dance 7:45 – 10 PM
Double rounds between tips
Current COVID guidelines
At this time, there are no specific requirements, but we will continue to monitor COVID numbers.
If you feel sick, or have had a possible recent exposure, please stay home and join us another time.
See for additional guidance on vaccinations and masking.
Solo rotation available

Square dance attire optional

We dance at the Warm Springs Community Center, 47300 Fernald Street, Fremont CA 94537
       (Hardwood floor and air conditioning)

We encourage regular attendees to subscribe to our 2024 dances. Subscriptions help the club maintain more stable finances, and save you money if you attend most of the dances.

2024  schedule

Jan 26  Vic Ceder  rounds by Erin Byars
Feb 23  Eric Henerlau  rounds by Sue and Phil Harris
Mar 22  Mike Wright rounds by Dan Drumheller
Apr 26  Darren Gallina  rounds by Sue Harris
May 17  Kurt Gollhardt  rounds by Arlene Scallon and Jim Gray
June 14 Buddy Weaver rounds by Sue and Phil Harris
(new date)
July 26  Randy Dibble  rounds by Harry Sameshima & Connie Noel
Aug 9  Rick Gittelman  rounds by Sue Harris
(new date)
Sept 27  Michael Kellogg  rounds by Sandi Kremer and Paul Albert
Oct 18  Mike Seastrom  rounds by Dan and Alison Drumheller
Nov 15  Harlan Kerr  rounds by Mary Ann Callahan
Dec 13  Rob French  rounds by Dan and Alison Drumheller